Being at the wrong place, at the wrong time is a recipe for disaster. Elijah’s story found in 1Kings 19, is one of him being sought out by God as he got into a wrong place at the wrong time. Having just completed a victory for God at Mt. Carmel where he defeated almost a 1000 prophets of Baal and Asherah arrayed against God, he found himself being chased by Jezebel, the wicked queen of Israel. He gives in to fear and runs for his life, the entire length of Israel. God finally corners him at a cave asks him the question, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”(1Kings 19:9). As Elijah begins to better understand that key question, he finds the restorative of work of God in his life.


  1. What are you doing here Elijah, because you are far away from the site of battle?God wishes his people to be thick in the midst of battle and Elijah was far away from the scene of battle. Paul reminds us that the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world; on the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. It is the spiritual battle that counts and the one who does not engage in it will have accumulated nothing substantial in this life when his journey on this earth is done. A person becomes spiritually alive and starts a spiritual battle only when he acknowledges his sinfulness and receives Christ into his life. Thereafter the journey of obedience and service to God begins as one allows the transformative and restorative work of God within. Elijah needed to go back to the center of the battle and God asks him to retrace his steps.


  1. What are you doing here Elijah, because you serve a mighty God.Elijah forgot for a moment how powerful his God was. And God reveals himself to Elijah through a mighty wind, an unexpected earthquake and a raging fire just outside the cave where God had cornered him. We serve a mighty God, and if God be for you, who can be against you? And then the power of God becomes personal as God speaks to him. Elijah had through years of training gotten to a point of being able to discern the voice of God. And when a person is able to listen to God and receive his personal and relevant word, healing is at hand.


  1. What are you doing here Elijah, because there is work to be done. Elijah was asked to return the way he came and then anoint kings. His viewpoint of himself and God’s viewpoint of him were very different. He thought he was spent and wanted to die. God’s expectation of him was not just to return to work, but also to go on to anoint kings. God has a unique plan for each person and seizing that plan brings meaning to life. Elijah was asked to anoint Elisha and mentor him. Elisha would go on to be as effective as Elijah and steady God’s influence in the kingdom of Israel.


Elijah does manage to make a turnaround. Though caught at the wrong place at the wrong time, he was able to turn his life around as he responded to the healing influence of God. Today history still recognizes him as the greatest prophet produced in Israel.

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