The risen Christ ensured that we who believe would no longer be the same. John’s account of the resurrection in Chapter 20 demonstrates three transformational effects in the disciples.

  1. Transformation from familiarity to faith.

In v8, we read John describing his response to the empty tomb as one of seeing and believing. While the disciples were familiar with Jesus and his teachings, it is after the resurrection they put their faith in him. Familiarity is common and easy, faith is hard. Faith is putting one’s trust in Christ and placing him at the center of our lives. The same disciples who scattered during the arrest of Jesus preceding his resurrection, went on to boldly proclaim him as Savior of the world, after the resurrection, when they placed their faith in him.

2. Transformation from traditions to submission. 

The encounter with Mary leads her to eventually recognize the risen Christ and declare him as ‘Rabboni’, which means ‘My Teacher’. ‘Rabboni’ is a more personal variant of the term ‘Rabbi’, which means teacher. There is a difference between acknowledging Jesus as a teacher and declaring him to be my teacher. The latter indicates a willingness to completely submit, and reorient one’s life to an act of submission. The disciples move from following tradition to one of submitting to the one who is Lord of all.

3. Transformation from fear to peace. 

The resurrected Jesus stands amidst them while they are locked within closed doors because of fear for the authorities, and gives them his peace. Fear is the dominant emotion that rules our lives, and perhaps the greatest motivator for all that we do. Peace proclaimed by the resurrected Christ is no longer an abstract concept the disciples are asked to work toward, but a reality that is breathed into them by the word of Jesus. It is a peace that comes from above, abolishes anxiety and enables life to be lived at a higher plane.

Behold! All things are new. The resurrection of Christ depicts a destruction of death and the arrival of new life. This life begets the transformation that we desire but somehow eludes us otherwise. 

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