‘Men are haunted by the vastness of eternity. And so we ask ourselves: will our actions echo across the centuries? Will strangers hear our names long after we are gone, and wonder who we were, how bravely we fought, how fiercely we loved?’    Odysseus

 Immortality beckons, yet eludes. Thoughts of eternity and a seeking after immortality are unique to man. Yet, it remains for most, an unquenched thirst. Man is uniquely a physical-spiritual being and a longing for eternity attempts to break through the physical shell of our bodies in which we are contained for this life. This longing manifests in various forms.

For some it is the attempt to immortalize oneself by rising in prominence and power. Among that throng, while some may pursue these for the base carnal motive of money or pleasure, for most it is to somehow have one’s name etched on the pages of history. Many are those, who once they accomplish reasonable goals in life, start thinking of leaving behind a legacy. Man thinks,“Perhaps my community, no matter how small it may be will remember me for what I accomplished!”Isn’t it ironic that many of the men we remember for greatness were never recognized when they were alive? So then, if the seeking for glory does not confer honor in this life, is it not a prime example of man sub-consciously attempting to fulfill his longing for immortality?

Others try to fulfill this longing by investing in children. Knowing that our bodies will fail us some day, our next best bet is our children who have our DNA. And so man tries to pass on his knowledge, experience and skills to his children, in the hope that a part of him will be alive in some way beyond his death. Highly accomplished men find a disciple whom they train to carry on the art they perfected. Billionaires are known to turn to philanthropy and set up societies that will in some way make an impact for generations to come and preserve their memories.

While all these are attempts by man to fulfill that elusive longing, he strangely finds the thirst for eternity unquenched. Immortality seems within reach, yet so far away. But, when we turn to the gospels, we find immortality within grasp.

‘—Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and had brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.’  2Timothy 1:10

The gospel message of salvation through Christ on the cross has taken what was beyond reach and made it accessible. The destruction of death by his sacrifice on the cross and the subsequent resurrection coupled with a union within the eternal God made possible through the indwelling Holy Spirit brings immortality to an experiential reality for man. The new life that results takes him further into the heart of eternity and immortality as elucidated by Paul,

‘To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life.’Romans 2:7

It is then that the elusive immortality finally comes home.

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  1. Stephen Jones

    I learned that people are never satisfied and want to be remembered, or being immortal. But, with Christ, we can have eternal life through Him if we believe in Him.

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