As I woke up yesterday morning, with predictions of a hurricane to come in just over 24hours, it was eerily quiet. Not a leaf rustled and there was not a single bird chirping away, very different from the usual cacophony of birds going about their business of collecting food, competing, mating and tending to their young. Somehow birds collectively sensed that a storm was on its way and had hunkered down, preparing to survive through the storm. It is said that birds can hear infrasound and sense changes in barometric pressure and thereby instinctively prepare for the storm (1). Quite a remarkable feat considering how difficult meteorological predictions can be! There are reports of animals consistently behaving inconsistently ahead of major events like earthquakes and tsunamis. Elephants bellowing and migrating to higher ground preceded the tsunami that devastated the Indian subcontinent. Sharks have been noted to dart to deeper waters ahead of a hurricane. 

With man being infinitely more complex than animals or birds, why is it then that man fails to recognize that which lower animals can? In Jeremiah 8:6,7; we do obtain some clues,

I have listened attentively, but they do not say what is right. None of them repent of their wickedness, saying, “What have I done?” Each pursues their own course like a horse charging into battle.
Even the stork in the sky knows her appointed seasons, and the dove, the swift and the thrush observe the time of their migration. But my people do not know the requirements of the Lord.

Here a direct connection is made between man declaring his independence from God and ending up failing to know that which birds can using their 6th sense. Animals and birds do not have the burden of choosing- they live by instinct and so preserve their connection to the creator God and are able to live instinctively. However man has been blessed with a soul, which enables him to think with his mind, feel with his emotions and decide using his will. As his soul enlarges, it can end up suffocating his spirit, that component of a human being, which enables man to connect with God. In deciding to do away with God, man ends up eventually being only a shadow of what he could have become. Repenting of one’s wickedness and returning to God and letting God set one’s course in life is crucial to re-establish the spirit connection with God. While this is humanly impossible, Jesus made it possible for those who believe to return to God through his death on the cross.

The 6th sense and much more can be available for man once he restores his relationship with the creator God.


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