Last week I took the first dose of the Covid vaccine made by Pfizer, made available at our hospital for health care workers. The world in general is suspicious of the vaccine and it is worthwhile examining if these suspicions have merit. 

Technology: Both Pfizer and Moderna use the mRNA technology, which is not new but has been used for vaccine development for the first time. Moderna uses the isolated virus RNA sequence for the S protein and Pfizer uses a genetically engineered similar sequence. The RNA is encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles that attach to the cell membrane and delivers the RNA inside the cell. The RNA does not enter the nucleus and genetic incorporation into the human genome is not expected to be an issue unlike for DNA vaccines. The cell expresses the spike protein that gives Covid its ‘corona’ name and the body responds by producing immunity. The Oxford AstraZeneca and the Russian vaccine use harmless animal viruses to deliver the gene of interest, in this case the S protein gene into the body and helps create an immune response, similar to vaccines for Ebola and Dengue. The Chinese vaccine uses the inactivated Covid-19 virus much like the Salk polio vaccine. The vaccine being developed in India uses the attenuated viruses similar to vaccines for chicken pox, MMR and the live polio vaccine.

A deadly disease: Covid-19 is not only extremely infectious; it is also a deadly disease. As politicians (from both parties in the US, and around the world) abused the pandemic for their purposes, the public being the beneficiary of widespread information through cell phones and the Internet, have latched on to misrepresentations of the disease and its treatments. For those who lost loved ones to Covid and for many of us who are health care providers, the deadly nature of the disease was not lost. As the disease struck people, spanning age groups, races and countries, causing death and lingering symptoms for many who survived, Covid-19 undoubtedly was one of a kind of virus causing a unique pandemic. It is not a disease that can be taken casually and the infectious nature requires that the vaccination rate should exceed 75% of the population.

Mark of the beast: Many circulating videos suggest that the vaccine has been used to inject people with the mark of beast referred to in Revelation 13. That refers to the end times when the Antichrist has already established authority over all the nations and rules over the world. The false prophet in those days will enforce that people receive the mark of the beast, without which life would be made impossible. We are not yet in those times and to suggest that the vaccine in some way represents that is misleading. The best way to prepare oneself for those days would be to lead a life of union with God, being willing to deny ourselves in our daily decisions and discerning his will in all we do now. A life that builds on that foundation will be able to recognize the mark when it is revealed and deny it in the face of death.

Knowledge vs. faith:  The world has faced destructive pandemics before and will face similar ones in the future. In fact, every ten years or, we have been getting coronavirus pandemics. What was unique for this one is the extent of knowledge made available to man through recent technology. The phobia and the misinformation produced have matched, if not exceeded the usefulness of knowledge. It is challenging in these times, but necessary to continue to live our lives built on the foundation of faith. Fear need not define our lives because we know the God who rules over all. He will keep us safe till his purpose through our lives is accomplished. When death does come, we rest assured in the sufficiency of Christ to take us to our eternal home. It is not a diminution of faith when one takes medicines or vaccines that God has allowed man to develop. 

I hope this helps those who are debating whether to move forward with vaccination. Please let us know what you think by commenting.

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  1. Renu

    Very interesting Vinci. Thank you for helping in restoring a little faith in the vaccine. Many of us are in a quandary about how effective the vaccine may be and how deadly are its side effects. Knowing someone close to us, and that too an authority in the medical field, has tried it out is a relief .
    Read your full article and enjoyed it very much.

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