For everything that is evident, there are multiple related things in the background that are invisible. The term ‘tip of the iceberg’ comes from the fact that what is seen above the surface is but a small portion of the reality that the iceberg is under the surface. For a sportsman who excels on game-day, there are multiple hours of practice that made it possible. For a surgeon who cuts through the human body during surgery, there are multiple hours of training, experience and preparation that makes it real. For a tree that stands tall, there is an extensive network of hidden roots. This phenomenon of ‘the evident being a product of the more extensive hidden’, is so common in life that it appears to be a cardinal truth underlying all of reality. In fact, it would be true to state that our physical life here on earth is a product of multiple transactions in the spiritual realm that are hidden from us. The Bible indicates likewise. During the last supper, Jesus addresses Peter,

“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” But he replied, “Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death.” (Luke 22:31-33)

This is a remarkable statement. Jesus is saying that Satan asked God to allow him to sift Peter as wheat. This would involve shaking Peter up so violently in the spiritual realm that he would separate from his precious faith. Now we would have felt great if God responded to Satan with the statement, ‘Get lost! I am having none of that’. On the contrary, He appears to allow Satan to go forward with his request. Peter has no clue of how intense it would be and speaks foolishly. He goes on to being consequently rocked as he vigorously denies Jesus, is filled with remorse and self-defeat and after Jesus’ resurrection goes back to fishing. That’s when the risen Jesus appears to him and finally reinstates him (John 21). We see a similar transaction in the life of Job, where unbeknownst to him, his life is turned upside down because of a hidden transaction in the spiritual realm. Elsewhere, when the Israelites were camped in the valley of Moab, they were blissfully unaware that in the hills above a curse was being laid upon them by Balaam and Balak. But for God’s intervention, they would perhaps have been wiped out by that curse.

Likewise, it would be wise to consider that there are multiple hidden transactions in the spiritual realm concerning each person who lives here on earth. There are massive spiritual forces at work that influence everything we do, who we are and every event of life we go through. It is both frightening and awe-inspiring at the same time to recognize this spiritual reality. It would be naive to think otherwise. In fact, Elisha prayed that his servant Gehazi’s naivety would be removed and that he would see the multitude of spiritual forces aligned in their favor. While those forces were favorable, there would be at any given time, a multitude of opposing spiritual forces as well. So, what are the implications?

First, it is good to be humble and never judge. It is common for a Christian who is strong to look down on his brother who appears to be struggling. That is misconceived because we do not know if the latter is dealing with a lot more opposition in the spiritual realm. Second, never lose heart when you go through trials. Rather than consider yourself a failure, think of that as perhaps your strongest moment in the face of intense spiritual hostility. Hold on to faith as you journey through a dark night, which will certainly pass as the rays of light bring in the dawn. Finally recognize the power of Spirit led prayer. This is different from monotonous and mechanistic prayer which accomplishes less. Spirit led prayer knows no limits and is inspired. When we pray for ourselves and others, we join the great Intercessor, Jesus himself. Just as he prayed and steadied Peter, he does the same for each one of us and sees us through till the very end of our physical and mysterious journey here on earth.

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