What does it mean to be successful? The Biblical viewpoint is quite distinct from that of the world and may be used to derive three unique definitions-

Success of Eternity: 

‘What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet forfeit his very self (soul)?’ Luke 9:26.

These words of Christ direct us into the path of success from an eternal standpoint. Following Christ is one of sacrifice and denial, wherein one appears to constantly lose out from a worldly standpoint, yet is that of inward renewal leading on to eternal life; and no amount of success from a worldly standpoint can measure up to that.

Success of Stability:

‘So if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!’ 1Corinthians 10:12

Paul reminds us that temptations come to every person and induce a fall away from the faith. The history of Israel is one of inviting God’s wrath when the people were led astray away from God. Success is one of remaining firm and strong in the faith till the end.

Success of Contentment:

‘That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil-this is the gift of God.’ Ecclesiastes 3:13

Solomon reflects that life is a sum of pleasure and toil. To be able to accept one’s lot in life, yet move through the challenges and the toilsome labor of life and be satisfied is truly the measure of success from the standpoint of daily living.

While accomplishments are exciting, pleasure is gratifying and worldly accumulations bring false security, they are ultimately meaningless without the framework of faith in Christ that binds one to eternity. The success that Christ brings to one’s life and measured in terms of eternity, stability and contentment are interrelated and complimentary. These Biblical definitions, true to the nature of the loving God are also inclusive, and not exclusive like success defined by the world where only a few make it.

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