Dear friends and supporters of pilgrimwatch.com over the years,

After prayerful consideration over several months, I have decided that the time has come to wrap up this blog. We had a good run, with the word of God being dissected out to encourage many over the years. We have had fruitful comments and invigorating discussions about various topics related to Christian discipleship, witness and application to current events including politics during the last election cycle. It is my hope that this blog has enabled many to have a renewed understanding of the spiritual realm that pervades us and in fact dominates life here on earth. And in the process, hopefully you have been nudged to reflect on God and move closer to him.

The blog will remain active for another 2 months after which it will be taken down. Feel free to visit, re-visit and download articles during this time.

May God abundantly bless you all!

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One thought on “EPILOGUE

  1. Amith Itty

    This is actually saddening.
    But praising God for the ways you have been teaching as you always has been.

    One suggestion. Please don’t completely shut it down. Let it be there for future references and contemplation

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